"United States- Puerto Rico Political Status Act"

From the Committee-on-Resources Site:

Puerto Rico, H.R. 856, The United States-Puerto Rico Political Status Act, a bill to provide a process leading to full self-government for Puerto Rico. (H.R.4281 - 104th Congress)

  1. House Report 105-131, Part 1 on H.R.856 as reported (6/12/97) to the House in HTML, [ TEXT ] or [ PDF ]
  2. Amended Bill H.R.856 (as printed 7/11/97) in [ TEXT ] or [ PDF ]
  3. April 21, 1997: Witness List Mayaguez, Puerto Rico Field Hearing on: H.R.856.
    Transcript - Printed Hearing Serial No. 105-27.
  4. April 19, 1997: Witness List San Juan, Puerto Rico Field Hearing on: H.R.856.
    Transcript - Printed Hearing Serial No. 105-28.
  5. March 19, 1997: Witness List Washington, D.C. Hearing on: H.R.856.
    Transcript - Printed Hearing Serial No. 105-16.
  6. Witness Lists, Testimony and Press Releases.
  7. Congressional Record Statement of Rep. Don Young on the Introduction of H.R.856 (2/27/97) in HTML, or in [ TEXT ] or [ PDF ]
  8. Language Provisions in H.R.856 as reported.
  9. Summary of The United States-Puerto Rico Political Status Act
  10. Chronology for Implementing the United States-Puerto Rico Political Status Act
  11. Sample Ballots for Implementing the United States-Puerto Rico Political Status Act
  12. General Information about Puerto Rico from the World Factbook.

Local Resources:



  • S. 472 - A bill to provide for referenda in which the residents of Puerto Rico may express democratically their preferences regarding the political status of the territory, and for other purposes.
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